This week I lost a whopping 0.2 pounds! lol (You know you're jealous.)
Earlier today, Rachel came over and we ran some errands. I decided I wanted a new shredder. We went to Staples and a new shredder was acquired. Then we went to Target and got a few other things. It was nice, too, because we got to talk about some crap going on in my life with a couple of people, and Rachel is always a great person to process with. A quick stop at McDonald's for a lunch, and then we were set to come back to my place to accomplish the main point of today: listing a crapload of books on eBay to sell.
Thanks to my friend Diana who had given me some really helpful tips and tricks, Rachel and I pulled all of the books from my "books that need a home" bookshelf and set up a system. Rachel looked up books on her laptop, slapped information on a sticky note, passed it to me, and I posted the books on eBay. Since Rachel was much faster than I, when she was done, she started reading the info off to me to type in, which made it go even faster.
When we were done, we ate at an Ethiopian place for supper. Yum. The guy who runs the place probably thinks I can't cook because I'm there so often. But Rachel and I were originally going to eat at a different place, but when we got there, it was closed for maintenance. Boo.
In the meantime, we had a peach cobbler in my Crock Pot for dessert. We were so full when we came back, we watched some trash tv for awhile (clearing the TiVo FTW!) and then ate the cobbler. It was a new recipe that I want to play with before I post it, so you'll have to wait; sorry.
The best news? Before the night was over, I had already sold two books! My local friends have already browsed my books, but for out-of-town friends, if you're interested in seeing what's for sale, drop me a line and I'll send you the eBay link.
Oh you know I want the link. :)