So, today, I got ahold of the last person I really wanted to tell in-person about my news. I had kind of wanted to do it face-to-face, but she's leaving the area tomorrow in preparation to leave the country Thursday for about ten days. It was important to me to do it before she left the country, because by the time she gets back, my fate may be sealed, and I may be already in "gotta get packed, all of my stuff is half in boxes, my life is organised chaos" mode. And I REALLY didn't want her to come back to THAT and find out that way.
We had a really good talk. She is one of the few people who has heard about everything as it developed, so I only had to tell her the latest. And I was able to tell her some of the details I left out here for reasons of privacy (this being a public blog and potential employers liking to surf the 'net these days - don't worry; some of you have heard the rest by now).
After that, Mom and I had a talk. I think we have a plan for next week. Anju came over tonight for a short visit, she heard the plan, and she seemed to agree with it. I have a few days to think it over, and then I'll decide.
In the meantime, I have been applying to some other jobs. There's a mini heat wave moving in this week - tomorrow through Friday. So I'll camp out in my bedroom and just fire up that one window unit (rather than both window units to cool down the entire place). That should also give me time to go through my bedroom. As I said earlier, if I end up not having to move, at least my stuff will be sorted and tidy!
And I found one friend who said she would help me with a yard sale if I decided to go through with it. So, that's nice to know.
I iz sad :( {{{hugs}}}