Sometimes, when I'm talking on the phone with my mom, I'll suddenly stop and say, "You're not listening to me!" And, to my chagrin, she'll repeat nearly verbatim my last several sentences, INCLUDING the "You're not listening to me!" (or whatever accusation I've made).
But tonight - TONIGHT! I GOT HER! HA!
I was telling her about "The Next Great Restaurant" (an NBC show) because there's a contestant from KCMO, and some pretty interesting restaurant concepts. We were chatting about some of the restaurant concepts, and I said, "Ooh, guess what one of the concepts is!"
Long pause on the phone. So I finally said, "Mom?"
She said, "Yeah?"
"You're supposed to be guessing!"
"You're not listening!"
"No! I heard you. Tacos with meat and hard tacos and soft tacos and tacos with anything and then the guy on tv said two to five inches of snow and then Dale said PT Cruiser and then they showed it on tv wrecking and then - yeah okay, I stopped listening to you. You got me. What am I guessing?"
"I KNEW YOU WEREN'T LISTENING!!" and I absolutely cackled with glee.
I was so pleased that I finally caught her!
Then we talked about Celebrity Apprentice for a bit (I've lost all respect for Dionne Warwick, but it turns out that Mom never liked her to begin with. Then Mom wanted to know how Star Jones is doing, and I pointed out that it'd be much easier if she would just WATCH the show instead of me recapping the show every week).
By then, Mom got excited because they were showing the PT Cruiser wrecking on the news again (it must have been a slow news day back there). But this time the news label on it was "KU SEEDED #1" I suggested to her that maybe that was why the PT Cruiser had wrecked - they got excited about KU doing so well in the NCAA brackets.
And I told her I was hanging up before she started ignoring me again for the PT Cruiser crash coverage.
Dionne Warwick donated a ton of money and they named a school after her where Curt works. I guess she grew up there or something. Curt was not impressed when he met her.