Since I started Weight-Watchers about 2.5 years ago (and dropped it about three months later for health reasons, ironically), Wednesdays have always been my weigh-in day. Some health plans will tell you not to weigh yourself every day, and some tell you that you should. I personally get a kick out of weighing myself every day and sometimes a few times a day just to see the fluctuation, but I KNOW that it will fluctuation and that it's truly only a meaningful measure if you track it at about once a week.
Although it seems my thyroid is still playing a role, I've decided to start tracking my weight here again. I'm not open enough to tell y'all my weight, but I'm willing to give my ups and downs (probably because this was a good week).
This week, I'm down 1.8 pounds from last week. I even weighed myself three times this morning since I didn't quite believe it. (Also, this is why I'm a bit convinced my thyroid is going nuts.) Of course, this is probably a product of what happens when one is down to pretty much yoghurt and corn tortillas to eat until they get their next unemployment cheque, too. Being poor FTW!
Yay for 1.8! I've been so bad about WW lately. I really need to get back on it.