So I'm back in the knitting groove.
On Sunday, I took the Alternative Knitting Styles class with Margaret at Loop. Craig, the owner, taught the class, and as things turned out there was only one more student. It worked out nicely since he had us stand behind him for parts of the class so it was easier to actually watch what he did. I got to learn how to both Continental and Portuguese styles, and he also gave us a Combination Knitting demo, though we didn't actually have time to practice that one (although it was pretty easy to grasp... well, in theory, anyway).
At some point last year, I also joined the Free Pattern Testers group on Ravelry. The theory of the group is pretty genius. Designers can get their patterns tested free by several knitters/crocheters, and knitters/crocheters can score free patterns by agreeing to test knit and provide valuable feedback (sometimes including WIP and or FO pics) to the designers. A few weeks ago, I became one of the admins/moderators of the groups and, thus, have become much more active in the group.
And despite JUST getting over all of my Christmas deadline knitting, I found myself signing up for two test knits earlier this month. One of them I just finished literally about half an hour ago (whew! the deadline was tomorrow!), and it is a lovely pattern! I can't post pics of it since it may be published but I'm very pleased with how mine turned out, even with my infamous "Golden Globe" error in it. Yeah - so, I got a little excited whilst watching the Golden Globe awards and got too cocky with "Oh yeah, I got this all memorised." Oops.
The other pattern - well, if you saw my Twitters today about gauge, you know how that's going. I tried a gauge swatch yesterday and it didn't go well. I was supposed to get 30 stitches to 10 cms and I managed to get 34 stitches to 8.75 cms. So that's awesome. I only need to go up, like, a floppity jillion needle sizes. I mean, I know I'm a tight knitter, but DAMN! lol But at least some of the other knitters in the same test thread have commented that they moved up from fingering to DK yarn, etc., so I don't feel left out. This test knit is due next week, so I'm not TOO stressed about it... yet.
This Saturday, Veronik Avery will be at Loop, so I'm going to try to fit that into my schedule. And the following Sunday (not the day after, but the weekend next) is the local SnB. So, see? I really AM back into my knitting groove!
Yay! knitting groove!