I took the day off today because I was supposed to have class followed by two doctor appointments. Class was cancelled, but I decided no to go into the work for the morning because that would have meant getting up at 5:00 a.m., getting dressed up in work clothes, going to the office for about 2.5 hours, and then trekking back into the city for my two appointments. I decided that the 2.5 hours of personal day time I'd save wasn't worth all that. So I slept in, got in a morning chat with Mish and Sara, and then went about my day.
Btw, for about half an hour, I thought I was going to have to cancel my appointments since I couldn't find my FSA card, which I thought was in my wallet. Even though I'm not Catholic, I still occassionally pray to him when I need to find something NOW, and I'm happy to say that he came through for me (once again). Handy prayer, that one. For those that aren't in the know: St. Anthony, St. Anthony, please come around; something is lost and cannot be found.
Went to the dentist and got my first fillings EVER. They were just tiny ones in the beginning stages and it was totally not scary! My dentist (Dr. Tran in Philadelphia - she's awesome) explained everything she was doing before she did it, made sure I understood, constantly asked if I was going okay or if I needed a break, and was very cool.
She also did this thing where she lasered off some of my gum in the front of my mouth. This is supposed to make it easier to take care of and keep hygenic. She suggested it, and my insurance said they'd pay for it. So why not. I like how I actually can see my teeth now! And I don't have big, ugly, swollen gum showing when I smile! It feels very weird, but she said it'll heal within a few days.
Then I went to my gyn for my annual. This was my first time seeing this woman, and I really liked her. Friendly, but to the point. Professional, but laid-back. And, unlike my last gyn, she didn't make dumb-ass comments about me "making up my mind" with regard to my being bisexual.
Happy day!